







Dr.-Ing. habil. Anette Müller
IAB - Institut für Angewandte Bauforschung Weimar gGmbH

Topic of Keynote: 30 Years Recycling as a RILEM Topic – what did we learn, what did we forget, what must we do?

Dr. Anette Müller studied Engineering of Building Materials at the University of Architecture and Construction in Weimar, Germany, holds a PhD on the kinetics of calcium carbonate decomposition and Habilitation in the field of chemistry of cement.
She was Full Professor for “Processing and Re-Use of Building Materials” and currently is Senior scientist at the IAB Weimar Institute of Applied Construction Research.Recent research activities in the field of recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste include recycling of heterogeneous recycled aggregates as raw material of lightweight aggregates, carbonisation as tool to improve the properties of recycled concrete aggregates, microwaves as tool for the liberation of connected building materials, liberation and sorting of masonry rubble and gypsum in Construction and Demolition Waste.
She has published more than 300 scientific articles in international and national scientific journals.

Prof. Dr. Chi-Sun Poon
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Topic of Keynote: Carbon dioxide sequestration: Relevance for recovering CDW.

Ir Prof. Poon is currently Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials and Associate Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his PhD from Imperial College, London and spent two years as a Research Fellow at Oxford University specializing in cement and concrete research.
He now specializes in the teaching and research of construction materials and waste management. He pioneered the development of the Eco-block technology for turning wastes into construction materials. His research covers the recycling of construction waste, waste glass, incineration ashes, waste wood and rubber tires.
He has published over 400 papers in international journals and conferences (with >250 journal publications).

Prof. Dr. Jorge de Brito
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Topic of Keynote: Construction and demolition waste: How to close the loop?

Prof. Jorge de Brito graduated in Civil Engineering, branch of Structures and holds a PhD PhD in Civil Engineering, Bridge Management Systems. He is Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georresources of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
He is presently the Head of CERIS Research Center, with around 200 PhD researchers and 300 PhD students, the largest one in Portugal in Civil Engineering. He is Director of The Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation Doctoral Program, with the 5 top Portuguese Universities and LNEC.
He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Building Engineering and belongs to the Editorial Board of around 35 international journals. He has participated in 23 research programs, 5 of which as Principal Investigator. He is an active member of IABSE, FIB, CIB, IABMAS, IRS and RILEM. He has supervised 7 Post-doc researchers, 40 PhD students and 181 MSc students. His publication record includes 5 books, 27 book chapters, 10 book editions, 690 papers in journals, 494 reports and 516 congress papers.

Prof. Dr. Vanderley M John
Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo

Topic of Keynote: Circular economy & Resource use efficiency and recycling on the built environment.

Prof. Vanderley John graduated as a Civil Engineer and holds a Dr. Eng. with a thesis on alkali-activated slags cements. He is Professor of Building Materials at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
His research interest is on eco-efficient in the field building materials, particularly cement-based materials with very low binder, high-filler content, as well as industrial ecology applied to the construction sector, especially in the development of simplified LCA metrics applicable by the industry.
Currently he is the coordinator of the CemTec, National Institute on Advanced Eco-Efficient Cement-Based Technologies and the coordinator the EMBRAPII Poli USP on Materials for an Eco-Efficient Construction, accredited by Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII) to develop innovative solutions together with the industry. He is also co-chair of the LCCI – Low Carbon Cementitious Materials Initiative, a network of researchers from academy and industry from +20 countries that works in collaboration with UN Environment, dedicated to analyse mitigation strategies for the cement industry.
He co-authored together with Karen Scrivener and Ellis Gartner the UN Environment report Eco-efficient Cements: Potential Economically Viable Solutions for a Low-CO2 Cement-based Materials Industry. He authored 78 papers in peer-review journals.

Presentations and Photos

Technical Exhibition